


Cockroach infestations are one of the most common pest problems in the Northeastern United States. These little brown bugs have adapted incredibly well to living alongside humans, and like densely populated areas where standing water and food waste are common. Four types of cockroaches, American, German, Oriental, and Brown-ringed make the Northeast their home and are not shy about taking up camp in or around your property.
The signs of a cockroach infestation become more noticeable as the infestation grows. A musty smell, signs of eggs and droppings, as well as shed carcasses are signs that these invaders are around. It is essential to try and spot roaches early. If you suspect you might be in the early stages of a cockroach infestation, seek signs of them in dark, secluded places, like the back of a junk drawer or within stacks of mail or paper waste.
Why Extermination is Vital
Cockroaches in the home can be maddening. They make it challenging to keep your home sanitary and are embarrassing to have crawling across the floor when you entertain company. Roaches can be more than just frustrating. Cockroaches are known to carry diseases such as salmonella and can trigger asthma attacks, especially in young children and the elderly. Prolonged exposure to a roach infestation can even cause an allergy to the roaches to develop.
Beyond being tiny taxis for bacteria and disease, roaches are also destructive. Their diet is highly varying. They will eat just about anything, including the deceased members of their own kind, but they tend to gravitate towards starchy items, which includes paper products, cardboard boxes, and the bindings of books. Their dirty and destructive nature is beyond enough to make you want to get rid of them, but doing so can be a bit of a challenge.
How to Effectively Rid Your Home of Roaches
There is an old legend that cockroaches can survive a nuclear blast. While this isn’t necessarily true, roaches are incredibly hardy. They can survive prolonged periods without food, can hide in tiny places, and reproduce multiple times a year.
If you are dealing with roaches, you may be quick to run to the store to grab roach traps, glue boards, foggers, and sprays. But in reality, over the counter methods of roach extermination are ineffective, often unsafe, and quickly become expensive. The fact is a cockroach infestation needs to be thoroughly evaluated by a professional to be treated appropriately.  
Here at Elite Pest Control, our pest professionals are not only highly skilled and certified in the art of roach extermination, but they are also committed to creating a friendly and understanding experience for all of our customers. We will come up with a plan that will work for you and can also work around your time schedule, which includes offering weekend and nighttime treatments.
If you are looking to handle your roach problem with a trustworthy company that won’t take advantage of you, please contact us today.
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